A novel zero-emission energy system integrating repurposed offshore oil and gas platforms and wind farms
Seyed Mojtaba Alirahmi, Alessandro Perrucci, Marco Maschietti,
Haoshui Yu*
Aalborg University, Denmark
Waste Treatment and Production Modelling and Prediction
Matej Benko*1, Radovan Šomplák
2, Veronika Smejkalová
1Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic
2Sustainable Process Integration Laboratory – SPIL, NETME Centre, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic
3Institute of Process Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic
Plenary talks
Smart Mobility Hub towards Sustainable Development
Seungjae Lee*
University of Seoul, Korea, Republic of
Honorary talks
Study on mechanism and performance enhancement of thermal energy storage with composite phase change materials
Qiuwang Wang*
Xi'an Jiaotong University, China
Regular submissions
A review of performance and emission characteristic of engine diesel fuelled by biodiesel
Lai Fatt Chuah*1, Awais Bokhari
2, Saira Asif
3, Jiří Jaromír Klemeš
4, Daniel Joe Dailin
5, Hesham El-Enshasy
6, Abdul Halim Mohd Yusof
1Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Malaysia
2Brno University of Technolgy, Czech Republic
3PMAS- Arid Agricultural University, Pakistan
4Brno University of Technology - VUT Brno, Czech Republic
5Institute of Bioproduct Development, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia
6Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) applied to Chemical Engineering
Rubén Cabello*1, Carles Troyano Ferré
1, Alexandra Elena Plesu Popescu
1, Jordi Bonet-Ruiz
1, Joan Llorens
1University of Barcelona, Faculty of Chemistry, Department of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Chemistry, Spain
2University of Barcelona, Spain
Transport Modal Split Optimization Model based on Travel Behavior: Impact of Activity-Specific Policies on Transport Energy and Emission
Neenu Thomas*1, Arnab Jana
1, Santanu Bandyopadhyay
1Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India
2IIT Bombay, India
Integration of Negative Emission Technologies for Carbon-Constrained Energy Planning
Shashank Prabhakar1, Santanu Bandyopadhyay*
2IIT Bombay, India
Vermicomposting of Sewage Sludge for Reasonable Nutrient Recovery under different C/N ratios
Bayu Dume*1, Ales Hanc
1, Pavel Svehla
1, Pavel Michal
1, Abraham Demelash Chane
1, Abebe Nigussie
1Czech University of Life Sciences, Czech Republic
2Jimma University, Ethiopia
Life cycle carbon assessment of buildings based on GB/T 51366: the pros and cons
Yahong Dong*1, Tingyi Yang
2, Zhenyan Xu
3, Peng Liu
1Macau University of Science and Technology, China
2Qingdao University of Science and Technology, China
3Shanghai PTArchitechts, China
Influence of Earthworms on the Behavior of Micropollutants in Sewage Sludge
Ales Hanc*1, Bayu Dume
1, Pavel Michal
1, Vojtech Pospisil
2, Alena Grasserova
3, Tomas Cajthaml
1Czech University of Life Sciences, Czech Republic
2Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Czech Republic
3Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Czech Republic
Design and optimization of CO2 hydrogenation multibed reactors
Manuel F. Torcida
1, Diego Curto
Mariano Martín*3
1University of Salamanca, Spain
2Universidad de Salamanca, Spain
3Universidad of Salamanca, Spain
Optimisation of a multi-period remote energy system with hydrogen storage: a P-Graph approach
Mengmeng Ji
1, Yifan Xu
Bohong Wang*1, Jiří Jaromír Klemeš
1Zhejiang Ocean University, China
2Sustainable Process Integration Laboratory – SPIL, NETME Centre, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology - VUT Brno, Technická 2896/2, 616 69 Brno, Czech Republic, Czech Republic
Methodology for Identifying the Energy Bottleneck and Debottlenecking Strategy with the Constraint of Heat Exchange Area Considered
Liwen Zhao1, Xiaohong Han
1, Huifeng Sun
2, Dan Li
1, Ning Li
1, Guilian Liu*
1Xi'an Jiaotong University, China
2School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China
Techno-Economic Evaluation on the Combined System of Power Plant and Coal-to-Hydrogen coupled with Carbon Capture
Yu Zhang, Li Zhang, Lixia Kang, Yongzhong Liu*
Xi'an Jiaotong University, China
Optimal Carbon-constrained Energy Planning with Direct Air Capture Technology
Sean Elijah Tiu*1, Lawrence Belo
2, John Frederick Tapia
1De La Salle University, Philippines
2De La Salle University- Manila, Philippines
Energy targeting for an island considering hydrogen generation and CCUS with improved Carbon Emission Pinch Analysis
Wang Changhao, Bohong Wang*
Zhejiang Ocean University, China
Circular Economy Implementation in Chilean Retail Industry
Sebastian Garcia*1, Anthony Halog
2, Lorna Guerrero
1Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria, Chile
2University of Queensland, Australia
3Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Chile
P-graph verification of the viability of electricity or hydrogen export from an island's integrated energy system
Yifan Xu
1, Mengmeng Ji
Bohong Wang*1, Meng Yuan
1Zhejiang Ocean University, China
2Aalborg University, Denmark
Zhanar Yessenbayeva*1, Gaukhar Sainova
2, Ales Hanc
1Satbayev University, Kazakhstan
2International Kazakh-Turkish University named after Khodja Ahmed Yasavi, Kazakhstan
3Czech University of Life Sciences, Czech Republic
Review on waste generation modeling and forecasting methods
Radovan Šomplák
Veronika Smejkalová*2, Dušan Hrabec
3, Martin Pavlas
1Sustainable Process Integration Laboratory – SPIL, NETME Centre, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic
2Institute of Process Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic
3Tomas Bata University in Zlin, Czech Republic
4Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic
Multicomponent numerical model for heat pump control with low-temperature heat storage
Libor Kudela
1, Michal Spilacek
Jiri Pospisil*3
1Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Czech Republic
2Sustainable Process Integration Laboratory – SPIL, NETME Centre, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic
3Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic
Influence of Meteorological Conditions on Artificial Snow Production
Michal Špiláček*1, Jiri Pospisil
2, Radim Křepela
1Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Czech Republic
2Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic
3Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic
Assessment of plastic waste flows for strategic planning of complex sorting infrastructure
Jaroslav Pluskal*1, Radovan Šomplák
2, Martin Pavlas
1Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic
2Sustainable Process Integration Laboratory – SPIL, NETME Centre, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic
Finding the turbulence promoter geometry to meet specific heat load increment
Martín Picón Núñez*, Jorge Luis García-Castillo
University of Guanajuato, Mexico
Total Site Mass Integration Problem Table Algorithm with Multiple-level Fresh Resources
Limei Gai1, Petar Sabev Varbanov
2, Yee Van Fan
3, Jiří Jaromír Klemeš
4, Bohong Wang*
1Zhejiang Ocean University, China
2Szechenyi Istvan University, Hungary
3University of Oxford, United Kingdom
4Sustainable Process Integration Laboratory – SPIL, NETME Centre, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology - VUT Brno, Technická 2896/2, 616 69 Brno, Czech Republic, Czech Republic
CFD based optimization of wastewater treatment tank geometry
Bálint Levente Tarcsay*, Janka Kincses, Ágnes Bárkányi, Tibor Chován, Attila Egedy, Sandor Nemeth
University of Pannonia, Hungary
Conversion of composite waste into chemicals through oxidative liquefaction process
Sebastian Werle*
Silesian University of Technology, Poland
Numerical investigation into the effect of pressure on regenerative cooling process of supercritical aviation kerosene at severe pyrolysis
Ke Tian, Ping Yang, Ting Ma, Min Zeng*, Qiuwang Wang
Xi'an Jiaotong University, China
Kinetical Modelling of Propionic Acid Synthesis with Rh-containing Heterogeneous Catalyst.
László Balogh*1, Attila Egedy
1, Botond Szilágyi
2, Jenő Bódis
3, Ágnes Bárkányi
1University of Pannonia, Hungary
2Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
3Babeş-Bolyai University, Romania
Alternative Processes to Enable the Production of Town Gas from Natural Gas in Hong Kong for a Reduction in Cost and Carbon Emissions
Keat Ping Yeoh*, Chi-Wai Hui
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China
Liquid organic hydrogen carriers as a pillar of the hydrogen based economy
Bálint Levente Tarcsay
1, Ágnes Bárkányi
1, László Lovas
2, Tamás Mérő
2, Tibor Chován
Attila Egedy*1
1University of Pannonia, Hungary
2Hungarian Gas Storage Ltd., Hungary
A Fuzzy Mathematical Programming Model for the Optimum Integration of the Ironmaking Plant and the Microalgal-Based Polygeneration System
Hedrick Sipacio*, Aristotle Ubando
De La Salle University, Philippines
Greenhouse Gas Emission Total-Lifecycle Assessment of Vehicle Production using GREET Model – Practical Review on OEM’s Sustainability Accounting
Péter Molnár*1, Árpád Tóth
2, Alex Suta
1Széchenyi István University, Hungary
2Szechenyi Istvan University, Hungary
Performance evaluation of a ferrofluid-based parabolic trough solar collector under a magnetic field
Dan Zheng1, Jin Yao
1, Chungen Yin
2, Jin Wang*
1, Jiří Jaromír Klemeš
1Hebei University of Technology, China
2Aalborg University, Denmark
3Brno University of Technology - VUT Brno, Czech Republic
An enhanced thermal insulation in the unheated greenhouse: Internal insulation
Yiming Li, Dapeng Sun, Tianyang Xia, Tianlai Li, Xingan Liu*
Shenyang Agricultural University, China
Study on thermal-hydraulic performance of a nature inspired zigzag-airfoil hybrid mini-channel heat exchanger
Jiyuan Bi, Libo Li, Ting Ma, Dongjun Xu, Qiuwang Wang*
Xi'an Jiaotong University, China
Design and Optimization of Capture-Integrated SMR-based Hydrogen Production Processes
Haryn Park
1, Joohwa Lee
1, Yongjae Song
1, Seokwon Yun
Jin-Kuk Kim*1
1Hanyang University, Korea, Republic of
2SK Innovation, Korea, Republic of
Energy and Carbon Dioxide Emissions Accounting in Optimal Operations Under Abnormal Conditions
Imee S. Padillo1, Alvin Culaba
2, Raymond R. Tan*
1De La Salle University, Philippines
2De La Salle Univesity, Philippines
Methane Emissions from Upstream Oil and Gas Sector: Current Status (2018-2022) and Implications for China's Methane Control
Xinxiang Yang1, Ergun Kuru
2, Xiuyuan Zhang
3, Shuyu Zhang
4, Jihong Ye
1, Dingding Yang
1, Jiří Jaromír Klemeš
5, Bohong Wang*
1Zhejiang Ocean University, China
2University of Alberta, Canada
3Peking University, China
4Southern University of Science and Technology, China
5Brno University of Technology - VUT Brno, Czech Republic
A review on boiling heat transfer characteristics of various surface structure
Jianqiang Du1, Zhen Cao
2, Jin Wang*
1, Bengt Sunden
1Hebei University of Technology, China
2Lund University, Sweden
Numerical Study on Flexible Thermoelectric Generator with Copper Foam/Paraffin Heat Sink
Na Li
Ning Zhuang1, Peiqin Wu
1, Qiuwang Wang
1, Yitung Chen
2, Ting Ma*
1Xi'an Jiaotong University, China
2University of Nevada Las Vegas, United States
Potential of wearable thermoelectric materials and their devices during the pandemic
Tingxiang Yan1, Jin Wang*
1, Ting Ma
2, Jiří Jaromír Klemeš
1Hebei University of Technology, China
2Xi'an Jiaotong University, China
3Brno University of Technology - VUT Brno, Czech Republic
Developing an Integrated Framework for the Municipal Solid Waste Management and Emissions Trading Scheme Using a Multi-Objective Optimization Approach
Jun Keat Ooi, Kok Sin Woon*
Xiamen University Malaysia, Malaysia
P-Graph Modelling of CO2 Capture and Utilization (CCU) Systems with Social Discount Rates
Tommie Daniel Cruz, Lawrence Belo, John Frederick Tapia*
De La Salle University- Manila, Philippines
Development of Integrated Artificial Intelligence and Life Cycle Assessment (AI-LCA) to Forecast Meteorological Impacts on the Environmental Performance of Large-Scale Solar (LSS).
Martin Wan, Zhen Xin Phuang, Zheng Xuan Hoy, Kok Sin Woon*
Xiamen University Malaysia, Malaysia
How does China's steel flow trajectories develop under the investment-driven economy? Coupling dynamic steel flow analysis with input-output analysis
Yuancheng Lin, Linwei Ma*, Zheng Li
Tsinghua BP Clean Energy Research and Education Center, China
Design, Fabrication, and Testing of a Laboratory-Scale Bubble Column Photobioreactor for the Cultivation of Chlorella Vulgaris.
Roselle Mamuad*1, Benz Joshad Gudoy
1De Lasalle University, Mariano Marcos State University, Philippines
2Mariano Marcos State University, Philippines
Environmental Impact Assessment of Co-pyrolysis of Waste Biomass and End-of-life Plastic Materials
Hrvoje Stančin
1, Vladimir Strezov
Hrvoje Mikulčić*3
1Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb, Croatia
2Macquarie University, Australia
3University of Zagreb, Croatia
A Comprehensive and Automated Systematic Literature Review on Applied P-graph Research with a focus on Sustainability and Resilience
Árpád Tóth*1, Alex Suta
2, Jean Pimentel
3, Andres Argoti
1Szechenyi Istvan University, Hungary
2Széchenyi István University, Hungary
3Budapest university of Technology and Economics, Hungary
4Kansas State University, United States
Resilience Modelling of Unmanned Ground Vehicles’ Control Systems
Rudolf Krecht*1, Áron Ballagi
1, Árpád Tóth
2, Ferenc Friedler
1Széchenyi István University, Hungary
2Szechenyi Istvan University, Hungary
Wine bottles and sustainability approach of behavioral economics
Ágnes Csiba-Herczeg*1, Boglárka Eisinger Balassa
1University of Tokaj, Hungary
2Széchenyi István University, Hungary
Cost and emission analysis of UAVs-case study
Boglárka Eisinger Balassa*, Bence Lukács
Széchenyi István University, Hungary
A Review of Structural Optimization, Mathematical Model, Energy Saving and Emission Reduction Technology of the Slab Reheating Furnace for Steel Industry
Fengsheng Qi*1, Yunyi Hou
1, Jangxiang Xu
1, Jin Wang
2, Baokuan Li
1Northeastern University, China
2Hebei University of Technology, China
Optimal Location of Mobility Hubs using Genetic Algorithm
Seungjae Lee*
Donggyun Ku2, Dahye Kim
1University of Seoul, Korea, Republic of
2University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Study on the thermal-hydraulic performance of printed circuit heat exchanger for hydrogen cooler
Fuqing Cui
1, Jine Liu
Yang Cheng3, Yitung Chen
4, Ting Ma*
1Chang'an University, China
2College of Geological Engineering and Geomatics, Chang’an University, China
3Xi'an Jiaotong University, China
4University of Nevada Las Vegas, United States
Marta Raźniewska*, Beata Wieteska-Rosiak
University of Lodz, Poland
The Influence of Plates Corrugations Angle on Water Fouling in PHE
Petro Kapustenko*1, Jiří Jaromír Klemeš
2, Olga Arsenyeva
3, Leonid Tovazhnyanskyy
1fme vutbr, Czech Republic
2Brno University of Technology - VUT Brno, Czech Republic
3Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic
4NTU KhPI, Ukraine
P-graph implementation of strategic re-refinery retrofitting for oil industries towards circularity
Lip Siang Yeo*1, Bing Shen How
2, Sin Yong Teng
3, Jean Pimentel Losada
4, Ákos Orosz
5, Ferenc Friedler
1Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus, Malaysia
2Swinburne University of Technology, Malaysia
3Radboud University, Netherlands
4Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
5Univesity of Pannonia, Hungary
6Széchenyi István University, Hungary
Decarbonizing China's Coal Power with Sustainable BECCS: a Techno-spatial Analysis
Sergio Sammarchi1, Qiang Yang
2, João Graça Gomes
3, Jia Li*
1The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology - Guangzhou, China
2Shanghai Jiao Tong University; Ecovane Environmental Co., Ltd, China
3Shanghai Investigation Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd, China
Scheduling a Manufacturing Process Including CNC Machining by P-Graphs
Márton Frits*1, Botond Bertok
1University of Pannonia, Hungary
2Széchenyi István University, Hungary
Towards the Legislation of Microplastic Removal in Wastewater Treatment Plants
Jan Puhar
1, Kostja Klabjan
2, Hakim El Khiar
Annamaria Vujanovic*1
1University of Maribor, Slovenia
2Energ+ d.o.o., Slovenia
Hybrid Solution for Driving Strategy Optimization
Zoltán Pusztai*, Ferenc Friedler, Ferenc Szauter
Széchenyi István University, Hungary
(Faster than) Real-Time Microscale Digital Twin for the Gaseous Pollutants of Factories
Zoltán Horváth*1, László Környei
1, Gianluigi Rozza
2, Giovanni Stabile
2, Moaad Khamlich
1Széchenyi István University, Hungary
2SISSA International School for Advanced Studies, Italy
Paper title: Systematic Literature Review on Electric Powertrain Manufacturing Energy Efficiency Measurement in Relation to Sustainability
Andras Bege*1, Árpád Tóth
1Széchenyi István Egyetem (Győr, Hungary), Hungary
2Szechenyi Istvan University, Hungary
Industry 4.0 Applications in Reverse Logistics: The Impacts on the Environmental and Economical Sustainability
Marah Almelhem*, László Buics, Edit Süle
Széchenyi István University, Hungary
Multisite Furniture Production Planning under the Recent Challenges of Energy Supply and Waste Treatment
Botond Bertok*, Károly Kalauz
Széchenyi István University, Hungary
Novel media for ocean pollutant removal by recycled automobile polyurethane and wood powder
Xin-Zhen Song
Chun-Han Ko*2
1Ocean Conservation Administration, Taiwan
2National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Forecasting the carbon emissions trends based on correlated socioeconomics and COVID-19 impacts in G7 and E7 countries
Leong Ji Fong1, Zheng Xuan Hoy
1, Chew Tin Lee
2, Kok Sin Woon*
1Xiamen University Malaysia, Malaysia
2UTM, Malaysia
Plastic waste separation system based on sensors and camera technology
Rok Pučnik1, Yee Van Fan
2, Monika Dokl
3, Raymond Tan
4, Jiří Jaromír Klemeš
5, Kathleen Aviso
6, Lidija Čuček*
1Univercity of Maribor, Slovenia
2University of Oxford, United Kingdom
3University of Maribor, Slovenia
4De la Salle University, Philippines
5Sustainable Process Integration Laboratory – SPIL, NETME Centre, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology - VUT Brno, Technická 2896/2, 616 69 Brno, Czech Republic, Czech Republic
6De La Salle University, Philippines
A simplified numerical method for two-phase detonation based on the hypothetical spherical particle model
Zicheng Tang, Ke Tian, Min Zeng*, Qiuwang Wang
Xi'an Jiaotong University, China
Secondary sources of Phosphorus in Poland – current state and future perspectives
Marzena Smol*
Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
Retrofit Heat Exchanger Network Optimization via P-graph Framework
Sin Yong Teng*1, Ákos Orosz
2, Bing Shen How
3, Ferenc Friedler
4, Jeroen Jansen
1Radboud University, Netherlands
2Univesity of Pannonia, Hungary
3Swinburne University of Technology, Malaysia
4Széchenyi István University, Hungary
Process synthesis and integration in support of humanitarian open diplomacy
Karoly Nagy*1, Edmond Hajrizi
1BME-UBT Joint Transformative Research Center, Kosovo
2University for Business and Technology, Kosovo
RESHeat Project: Innovation and Demonstration of Solar-Powered Residential Energy System for Energy Security and Emission Reduction
Petar Sabev Varbanov*1, Paweł Ocłoń
2, Jiří Jaromír Klemeš
3, Yee Van Fan
1Szechenyi Istvan University, Hungary
2Cracow University of Technology, Poland
3Brno University of Technology - VUT Brno, Czech Republic
4University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Flows and secondary sources of Phosphorus in Austria
Julia Tanzer*
Proman Management GmbH, Austria
Opening Ceremony
Yee Van Fan*
University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Closing and Award Ceremony
Yee Van Fan*
University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Regular submissions (posters)
Experimental performance analysis of panel plate heat exchanger
Olga Arsenyeva*1, Jiří Jaromír Klemeš
2, Olexander Perevertaylenko
3, Petro Kapustenko
1Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic
2Brno University of Technology - VUT Brno, Czech Republic
3National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnical Institute”, Ukraine
4fme vutbr, Czech Republic
Heuristics and Graphical Analysis for Membrane-based Gas Separation Process.
Thien Nguyen Luu Minh*, Joris De Grooth, Jeffery A. Wood, Angela M. Thomas
University of Twente, Netherlands
Municipal sewage sludge composting in the context of nutrients recovery
Dominika Szoldrowska*, Marzena Smol
Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
Good Practices of Water Reuse - Management of Gray Water
Paulina Marcinek*, Marzena Smol
Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
Future oriented tax administration in the light of sustainability
Zoltán Hima*
Blockchain-based Framework for Sustainability Accounting: Review on Recent Research Advancements for the Manufacturing Industry
Alex Suta*1, Árpád Tóth
1Széchenyi István University, Hungary
2Szechenyi Istvan University, Hungary
Hydrothermal conversion of by-products of the food industry
Aleksandra Petrovič*1, Tjaša Cenčič Predikaka
2, Lidija Čuček
1University of Maribor, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Slovenia
2IKEMA d.o.o., Engineering, chemistry, marketing, Slovenia
3University of Maribor, Slovenia
Degradation and fragmentation of plastic materials in the soil
Julija Volmajer Valh*1, Olivija Plohl
1, Alen Erjavec
1, Lidija Fras Zemljič
1, Annamaria Vujanovic
1, Maja Čolnik
1, Yee Van Fan
2, Mojca Škerget
1, Jiří Jaromír Klemeš
3, Lidija Čuček
1University of Maribor, Slovenia
2University of Oxford, United Kingdom
3Brno University of Technology - VUT Brno, Czech Republic
4Faculty of chemistry and chemical engineering, University of Maribor, Slovenia
Investigations on bioinspired heat exchangers based on triply periodic minimal surfaces for nuclear applications
Jinghan Wang1, Yangfan Ma
1, Lapmou Tam
2, Zhilong Cheng
1, Ting Ma
1, Min Zeng*
1, Qiuwang Wang
1Xi'an Jiaotong University, China
2University of Macau, China
Environmental and technological indicators for assessment of circular economy (CE) implementation in the water and wastewater sector
Marzena Smol*
Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
Plastic Waste Footprint based on Past and Current Trends: Future Scenarios and Footprint Reduction Potential
Anja Copot
Monika Dokl1, Yee Van Fan
2, Damjan Krajnc
3, Jiří Jaromír Klemeš
4, Lidija Čuček*
1University of Maribor, Slovenia
2University of Oxford, United Kingdom
3University of Maribor, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Slovenia
4Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic